One of the best hacks for 'EYELINER'

Isn't it amazing that drawing a black line across your eyelid makes you feel 10x prettier! But that one line is the hardest element to master in makeup. So all you need are some good eyeliner hacks and we've got that for you.

A perfect cat eye - Well if just putting the eyeliner is a big task then the cat eye liner is bigger. To put a perfect cat eye liner first you need to draw the outline of it.  To make it more perfect use tape to extend the liner and fill the uncolored parts.  Cat Eye stamp -  This is a perfect hack for putting eyeliner when in hurry. All you need is an pencil eraser. Just cut the eraser in half and apply the liquid eyeliner on the semi circle and put it whenever you wish for a quick cat eye liner. Don't let your eyeliner dry out -  To prevent your liner from drying out always remember to keep it upside down. Another thing you can do is adding a few drops of olive oil to the eyeliner bottle to make it work again. Use different eye liner colors according to the weather - Putting a black eyeliner is too mainstream. Also it gets too harsh in the daylight.  You can opt for brown eyeliner. Smudging it can a give a smokey look which a black liner wouldn't.  Eye shadow cum Eye liner - you can use a good eye shadow as an eyeliner as well. Just get a good brush. Wet and dip it in the eyeshadow and draw a pefect line across the eyelid.

Rock the office life with perfect guide of clothing ..!!!

Glow on coming festive season with these beauty tips !


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