Oprah Winfrey fell on stage while talking about balance

Oprah Winfrey hosts the Hollywood talk show. Oprah Winfrey has interviewed many popular people. But the story of her life is no less than a puzzle. Oprah Winfrey is always in the discussion due to her statements. Recently, big news related to her has come out.

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Oprah Winfrey, a popular producer, and social worker lost her balance and fell during her motivational tour in a forum here. According to the report of Sshobiz, the irony was that Winfrey was talking about balance during that time and suddenly fell in front of her audience.

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Before losing her balance, the 66-year-old actress was saying, "Health means to me, all things are in balance. And balance does not mean all things being equal or peace at all times" followed by an assistant. Handling himself with help, he said, "Wrong shoes".

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