Osho Rajneesh settle his own city in America named 'Rajneeshpuram'

The birth anniversary of Osho Rajneesh, the ideologue of the country, is celebrated on 11 December. His followers spread across the country and abroad celebrate it as Mukti Divas or Moksha Divas. Due to giving different and open opinions on every subject, he was also in a lot of controversies. Osho is the name of a 'sex guru' in the eyes of many. However, between acceptance and denial, Osho has emerged between love and hate.

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The disputed spiritual guru of the country, Osho Rajneesh, went to America and settled his own city. Osho's 'Rajneeshpuram' has been in the limelight. Osho was also called by his followers Lord Rajneesh or just in the name of God. Osho is considered not only in India but in the list of the world's most controversial spiritual gurus. Osho was born on 11 December 1931 in Kuchwada, Madhya Pradesh. His real name was Chandra Mohan Jain. Osho's personality was such that no one could live without being influenced by him. The number of foreigners was quite high among his followers.

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In 1974 Oshon came to Pune with his followers and where he established Sri Rajneesh Ashram. After coming here, his fame started spreading around the world. Osho's themes and ideas were completely different from the common people. In America, Osho and his followers built a city called Rajneeshpuram. About 65 thousand acres of land was selected for the construction of Rajneeshpuram in the middle of Oregon province. This place was inaccessible and deserted. Initially, it was also known as Big Muddy Ranch.

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