Coronavirus wreaks havoc in Pakistan, number of infected persons increased to four

Coronavirus has spread to about 50 countries of the world, originating from India's neighboring country of China. To stop the spread of Coronavirus, Pakistan has decided to close its border with Afghanistan from March 2.

For your information, let us tell you that in the letter written by the Interior Ministry of Pakistan to the Inspector General of Balochistan Frontier Corps, "The Pak-Afghan border in Chaman will be closed for an initial period of 7 days from March 2, 2020. Keeping the interest of the people of the countries in mind and to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, this phase has been taken. During this period, necessary measures will be taken to protect the health of the people of both countries.

Two new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Pakistan on the last day i.e. Saturday. After this, the total number of people infected with the deadly virus in the country has increased to four. According to Pak media, Dr. Zafar Mirza, Special Health Assistant to the Prime Minister, confirmed that one of these cases is from Karachi while the other patient is from federal areas. Let us tell you that the coronavirus is officially known as COVID-19, the virus was started from Wuhan, capital of central Chinese province of Hubei, last year. So far, more than 2900 people have died due to the virus.

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