Pakistan boycotted from 'Kabbadi' world cup

Pakistan is facing back offs in every possible international event. This time it is the Kabbadi World Cup. There will be only twelve nations in this world cup excluding Pakistan. The News agency AFP has provided the news that International Kabbadi Federation (IKF) has confirmed Pakistan’s dismissal from the tournament as there is a tight scenario between India and Pakistan after the Uri attacks, both are nuclear nations.

The IKF chief Deoraj Chaturvedi said on the matter,” This is not the right time to engage with Pakistan, it is a valuable member of the IKF but looking at the current scenario and in the best interest of both the nations, we decided that Pakistan must be refrained from the championship," he added.

The world Cup his scheduled to start on 7th October 2016, in Ahmadabad. Pakistan, however, has accused the IKF of unfairly targeting the country, saying both rival nations should have been excluded if there were security concerns.

"We have called a meeting to discuss this issue but let me tell you that a Kabaddi World Cup is no world cup without Pakistan," Pakistan Kabaddi Federation Secretary Rana Muhammad Sarwar told AFP.



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