India is violating ceasefire at the border: Pakistan claims after army chief narvane's statement

New Delhi: The whole world is fighting a war against the coronavirus epidemic. The lockdown continues till 3 May in India. The border between the two neighboring countries is also under stress on the border between the ongoing war against Corona. Pakistan is continuously violating ceasefire. Chief General of the Indian Army, Manoj Mukund Narwane, took a dig at Pakistan on the tour of Jammu and Kashmir amidst tension.

In fact, the Indian Army Chief had criticized Pakistan, saying, 'It is unfortunate that at a time when the whole world including India is fighting the menace of epidemics, our neighbors continue to trouble us.' Now Pakistan has reacted to the statement of the Indian Army Chief. Pakistani State Department spokesperson Ayesha Farooqui denied the allegation of Army Chief Narwane, calling it baseless. He said that he has been accused of diverting the attention of the world from Kashmir.

Pakistan State Department spokesperson accused India of violating the ceasefire. He said that despite the Coronavirus crisis and the current challenges, the incidents of ceasefire violations on LoC by India has increased.

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