'Pakistani Journalist' banned from leaving Country;reported on Pakistani military - government friction

Islamabad: The order has been given to the Pakistani journalist who detailed on hostility between the military and the government, that he cannot leave the Country.

Cyril Almeida, an assistant editor of the newspaper, took to the twitter and said, that “he had been put on the Exit Control List”, sometime after the story of his front page, covers that resident government was worried that the support of the military for terrorist groups was leaving the country globally isolated.

Mr. Almeida asserted while reacting to the move, that “Puzzled, saddened. Had no intention of going anywhere; this is my home. Pakistan.”

On Thursday, a huge controversy was triggered when the story about the confrontation between Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the country's spy chief, was published. The report was rejected by the Pakistan government and phrased it as "speculative".

Yesterday, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif directed authorities to take strict action against those responsible for publishing the fictitious story.

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