Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah offered to resign

Ramallah: On Monday, Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah spokesman said that he  has offered to resign, amid efforts by President Mahmud Abbas to form a new government. Such bids are seen as part of attempts by Abbas to further isolate his political rivals Hamas amid a deepening of a decade-long split in Palestinian politics.

the prime minister's spokesman Yussef al-Mahmud said in a statement that Hamdallah has put his government at the disposal of President Mahmud Abbas. It came after the central committee of Abbas's Fatah movement recommended late Sunday the formation of a new government that would comprise members of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). While his spokesman said that  Hamdallah's West Bank-based government welcomed plans for a new government,. The Islamist movement Hamas is not part of the PLO.

It seized control of Gaza from Abbas's forces in a 2007 near civil war, a year after winning parliamentary elections. Since then Abbas's governments have maintained limited self rule in the occupied West Bank, but the crack between the two has remained. In June 2014 Hamdallah formed what was labelled a national unity government after a landmark settlement deal between Fatah and Hamas. The deal has since broken down and the government has no control in Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Abbas was elected in 2005 for an initial four-year term but no elections have been held since then due to the Fatah-Hamas split.

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