Palmarola Island: Find Out

There’s a secret paradise atoll just one hour away from Rome considered by many globe-trotters not only the most beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea, but among the world’s most stunning ones.

Palmarola, shaped liked a sleeping bunny, is Italy’s best kept secret. Unknown even to most Italians, few have been here.


The tiny isle is uninhabited. The last keeper died a few years ago and today only occasional summer tourists come to revel in its breathtaking wild beauty.


Pristine nature and silence rule.

There’s a primitive vibe. Massive cliffs and craggy stacks jut-out of the sea amid crumbled rock arches, colourful pebble-stone beaches, purple sponge grottos, white granite rocks and tropical waters the colour of blue curaçao swarming with baby barracudas. You’ll feel like Indiana Jones exploring a new world with a prehistoric scenery.


Time seems to have stopped at the Jurassic age.

The first thing that hits me when I jump off the boat, sinking my feet into soft baby-powder sand mixed with little sea shells and pink coral dust, is the paradox that such a castaway retreat could be so close to the Eternal City and yet have remained untouched and isolated across time.

There are no shops, no roads, no cars. Only dusty trekking paths that unwind through a lush Mediterranean bush and mazes of purplish rocks dotted with yellow flowers all the way to the highest peak of Punta Tramontana.


Biologists says

You’ll come across weird hairy dwarf palms that have given Palmarola its name and which can be found only here in the entire Mediterranean. According to some biologists, many years ago migratory birds flying from Africa accidentally dropped these special palm seeds that had stuck to their wings.

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