Parents of 'Omicron' infected girl also hit by corona, experts investigating

Dehradun: Corona's new variant Omicron has created a hue and cry across the country, while her parents have also been found corona positive after a girl from Kanwali Road in Dehradun was found to be infected with omicron. the RTPCR test confirmed that the girl's parents were infected with corona. However, the virus that is transmitted to parents in addition to omicron or delta infection is yet to be confirmed. CMO Dr Manoj Upreti says genome sequenceising is being done to detect the variant. The comfort is that the condition of the omicron positive girl is normal.

The same girl, a resident of Kanwali Road in the capital, had returned home from Scotland recently. The girl omicron was found to be infected when the health department team conducted a RTPCR test. The girl's parents were also RTPCR checked under corona rules. The girl's parents were also found to be infected with corona in the investigation. However, it is yet to be ascertained whether the girl's parents have been diagnosed with omicron or any other variant virus.

Precautionary measures to prevent corona disease:- - Avoid going to crowded places. - Don't leave the house without a mask. - Wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap when you come home from outside. - Sanitise your hands from time to time. - Do not move your hands near the nose while sneezing. Sneeze by pressing the nose through the elbow. - Follow the social link if you have to step out under special circumstances. - See a skilled doctor immediately if you feel cold, cold, fever as well as sore throat and headache. - Do not panic after the corona is confirmed in the RTPCR test, get admitted to the hospital and treated.

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