Peeping into the life of young Purendra Kumar: A Successful Digital Marketing Entrepreneur

It has been a decade that is influenced by digital technology. It has allowed the people with brains to grow, previous cycles were something where just rich people used to become richer, middle-class people never dreamt of big money and poor people used to be out of the equation. Purendra Kumar, a nerdy guy from a small village Dewada of a beautiful state in the middle of India, Chattisgarh, with big dreams has made it big by utilizing digital technology. Coming from a middle-class family, Purendra Kumar, when he used to talk about his big dreams many people would just say these dreams are not for middle-class people. Purendra was never demotivated and was strongly determined to prove everyone wrong by making a huge name in the digital marketing space.

When asked how come he was confident that he will be successful, he said, “I just stayed focused, hustled in the market, learned new things every day, and ground hard to become successful.” He says everyone can make innovative plans but a few can work on it hard, day and night. There have been certain incidences that can make everyone think to quit their ambitious dream but Purendra Kumar used them to motivate himself to work even harder to reach his dream. Surprisingly, Purendra Kumar started his journey with no money, with only a phone and internet. Now he has more than 60 million digital audiences after starting at the age of 19. When guys of his age would be playing games and hanging out, he is churning out success. He has big companies and big politicians in his client list that includes the likes of Netflix, NDTV, Tata Motors, and Ponds,that many known digital marketing experts can never imagine having. His journey can inspire the youth of India that if you dream big and work on it, nothing is impossible.

Purendra Kumar is a down-to-earth guy, who believes that hard work needs to be complemented by a good attitude and manners. Although Purendra Kumar has hugged technology he still believes in traditional beliefs like respecting elders as their blessings help people to grow big. He believes in setting milestones and crossing them in a calm and composed manner without panicking. When asked Purendra Kumar about his hobbies and passions, he replies smilingly,” I love keeping me updated about news and current affairs which is my hobby, while digital marketing is followed by me passionately.” He is one of the rare examples among successful people who have converted their passion to profession.

Being a guy who has reached the pinnacle of success after starting at the age of 19, he is a guy from whom you can take inspiration. When many people with huge investments fail to achieve success in their entrepreneurship journey, he is a guy who has proven everyone wrong to achieve huge success at this tender age. One must understand one point from his journey that it does not matter if you start with zero money or 100000 dollars, but it matters how you become a successful entrepreneur by crossing the hurdles without getting disheartened.  

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