Planning to install a central AC in a 3 BHK flat? Know how much it will cost and special tips

Installing air conditioning units in every room can be costly. However, there's a smarter solution for 3 BHK flat owners: centralized AC. This system provides uniform cooling throughout your home at a potentially lower cost than installing individual units.

Installation Costs and Factors

The installation cost of centralized AC depends on several factors. Primarily, it varies based on the size and design of your flat. For a typical 3 BHK, installation costs can range between ₹2.5 lakhs to ₹5 lakhs. This includes the cost of the AC unit, ducting, installation charges, and labor costs.

Choosing the Right AC Unit

When selecting a centralized AC unit, consider its tonnage capacity. Generally, for a 3 BHK flat, a unit with a capacity of 3 to 4 tons is suitable. Larger rooms may require higher capacity to ensure effective cooling throughout the entire flat.

Ducting and Installation

Proper planning of ducting is crucial for centralized AC systems. The duct design should ensure even cooling in every room. It's advisable to seek professional help for accurate ducting installation.

Maintenance and Electricity Bills

Maintenance is a significant aspect of centralized AC ownership. Regular servicing prolongs the unit's life and ensures optimal performance. Additionally, note that installing centralized AC may increase your electricity bills, so factor this into your decision.

Additional Suggestions

Choose a Reliable Installation Company: Opt for a reputable company known for quality service.

Warranty and Service: Check warranty and service plans offered with the installation to ensure peace of mind.

Energy Efficient Models: Select an AC unit with high energy efficiency ratings to reduce electricity consumption.

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