New variant of corona wreaks havoc in UK, PM Boris Johnson imposes harsh lockdown in England

London: Corona cases continuously increasing in UK due to more transmissible variant of Covid-19. In view of surge in corona cases,  UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson reimposed a lockdown in England on Monday.

While addressing the nation, Johnson said,  "Since the corona began last year, the whole of United Kingdom has been engaged in a great national effort to fight corona and there is no doubt that in fighting the old variant of the virus, our collective efforts are working and would have continued to work. But we now have a new variant of the virus, and it has been both frustrating and alarming to see the speed with which the new variant is spreading."

PM also said that hospitals of the nation are under more pressure from corona than at any time since the start of the pandemic. In England alone, the number of corona patients in hospitals has increased by nearly a third in the last week to almost 27,000 and that number is 40 per cent higher than the first peak in April. UK is back in crisis mode as new daily Covid-19 cases soared above 50,000 cases for nearly a week, and hospitalizations exceed April's peak.

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