Pokemon GO launches new feature;PokeTrainers get a buddy Pokemon!

In an attempt to counter a decline from near 45 million users around mid July to 30 million users in mid August, Pokémon Go creator Niantic Labs is all set to launch ‘Buddy Pokémon’ in the game.

A user will have the ability to pick one of their favorite Pokémon from their collection who will become their buddy. A buddy Pokémon will appear alongside you avatar on the profile screen, and will help open new in-game rewards and experiences.

The attempt of adding a more personal touch to the game seems to have been inspired from the evergreen television series where many trainers including Ash have their own buddy Pokémon who walks along with them.

In the official blogpost, Niantic explains the upcoming feature saying,"You will be able to pick your favorite Pokemon from your collection to become your buddy, opening up unique in-game rewards and experiences. Buddy Pokemon will appear alongside your Trainer avatar on your profile screen, adding helpful bonuses such as awarding Candy for walking together"

This means  that now the trainers will be able to go out, take a stroll and probably train their favorite Pokemon, in exchange of digital candies for that specific Pokemon. One  can take only one Pokemon out for an adventure at a time, but they can be switched out for another buddy at any instant.

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