Police from the French BRAV-M cite exhaustion in the investigation into abuse

Paris:  An internal report released on Friday revealed that French policemen who were caught on camera threatening protesters who had been arrested claimed they were "mentally exhausted" at the time. The incident has since sparked an investigation.

Investigators are looking into the abusive remarks made late on March 20 while detaining young people participating in protests against a divisive pension reform by members of a Paris motorbike police unit.

Members of the Motorized Brigades for the Repression of Violent Action (BRAV-M) blamed fatigue in a report to their superiors that was obtained by AFP on Friday. One of them, Yann C., claimed that when the recording was made after 11 p.m., he and his team had been on patrol since 10 a.m.

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While participating in protests against President Emmanuel Macron's pension reform, which includes raising the retirement age from 62 to 64, another participant, Benoit A., described "shifts of 14 hours, even 16 hours."

He claimed that because they did not have time to use the lavatory, some officers took "medication" and that eating and drinking were difficult. He said, "We were mentally and physically spent.

A 23-year-old Chadian student who has accused the police of slapping him can be heard picking on the police officers in the recording, which was released by French media on March 24.

The police make crude, sexist, and racist remarks, and one of them warns a protester that if they don't behave, they'll have to take "a thing called an ambulance to go to hospital" the next time.

Victor L. claimed in the internal report that he had targeted the Chadian student because of "his arrogance and provocations," not because of his skin colour. Benoit A. claims that his remark about the foreigner "crying like a girl" was just a "clumsy" joke. Pierre L. claimed he only "pushed him back via the face" and refuted claims that he slapped him.

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But the audio also has him saying, "Want another one to set your jaw straight?" after what appears to be a slap. Yanis A. claimed that he was only trying to "let steam off" when he asked the Chadian if he arrived in France "hanging off a plane wing."

Theo R. claimed he was only trying to "inform him of judicial risks" after threatening to have him ordered to leave French territory. The student from Chad and another female protester are being represented by attorney Arie Alimi, who said he was unconvinced by the policemen's justifications.

He said, "Fatigue cannot absolve someone of criminal responsibility." But given the rigour of the operations he directed, he continued, "it could invoke the criminal responsibility of the police chief himself."

Laurent Nunez, the head of the Paris police, expressed his "extreme shock" at the remarks. The police officers who were caught on camera have been removed from duty but not suspended, according to Paris police.

According to a source familiar with the case who asked to remain anonymous, at least two additional BRAV-M police officers are being looked into for possible acts of brutality.

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Rights organisations have accused French police of using excessive force during pension protests since January, which have become more violent as a result of the government ramming the retirement bill through parliament last month without a vote.

However, the interior ministry asserts that it has been taking action against "far-left" radicals determined to harm public property. The BRAV-M has been called for dissolution by activists and left-leaning lawmakers, but Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin this week rejected that demand.

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