Police receive cross complaints from JNUSU, ABVP on BBC doc screening

NEW DELHI: Delhi Police on Wednesday said they had received cross complaints from both the Jawaharlal Nehru University Students' Union (JNSU) and the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), a day after high drama reigned on the JNU campus on Tuesday night, with JNSU members alleging that they were attacked with stones while watching a controversial BBC documentary on Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

A senior police officer said that they have received cross-complaints from JNUSU and ABVP, which are being investigated, and that appropriate action will be taken.

Two students have claimed that JNU students' union members harassed and attacked them. JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh, however, disputed the charges.

Ghosh said that ABVP members threw stones at a crowd watching the BBC documentary, but that the two complainants, who were both ABVP members, were not mistreated.

A section of students under the banner of JNUSU had distributed pamphlets for the screening of the documentary at 9 pm on January 23. Several students had gathered at the JNU students' union office for the screening of the BBC documentary.

However, the JNUSU office's power was cut on Tuesday, and students reported they were watching the video on their iPhones when stones were thrown at them.

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