You must have participated in the last competitive examination, then you must have seen that many questions related to general knowledge come. Many times it happens that the questions of maths, reasoning cannot be made from us, but if our general knowledge is good, then we can meet the lack of numbers found in maths, reasoning at that time. So let's prepare nowWhich gas is found most in biogas - methane and carbon dioxideWhat principle does optical fiber work on - full internal reflectionWhat are the main components found in cigarette smoke - carbon monoxide and benzeneWhat is called the genetic material found in chromosomes - genomeAt which place in the earth do weights of the objects - at the polesWhat will be the change in the weight of iron when it rusts - increase in iron loadWhich element is found in the hemoglobin found in human body - ironWhich element is found in the highest amount in milk - CalciumWhich element is found in the lowest amount in the body of a living human - manganeseWho propounded the atomic theory of nuclear matter - DoltonWhich element is the most reactive nonmetal - fluorine florinWhich element is found in maximum amount in stars - hydrogenThe purity of milk is measured by which device - LectometerWhat is the unit for measuring the amount of heat - caloriesWhich one is the conductor of metal power - graphiteWhat type of enzyme is found in human body - Tyleen