President Kovind addressed in J.C. Bose Institute


Highlighting the significance of modernism and invention, President Ram Nath Kovind asserted on Wednesday that this ultra-modern age of technologies should be cuddle by the people.

Speaking in the closing ceremony of centenary celebrations of The Bose Institute in Kolkata, President Kovind emphasized, our greatest tribute to Acharya J.C. Bose would be to clinch this new era of innovation and discovery - just as he embraced and led the route of innovation and discovery a century before."

Addressing on the event, the President Kovind also said that the Bose Institute holds an exclusive and dignified position in the landscape of Indian science as it was one of the first scientific institutes to be recognized in the nation.

Kovind cherished the institute's involvement not only in biological and physical sciences research but also in its dynamic social outreach programme in rural Bengal through biotechnology initiative.

He also prized the institute's ventures to broadcasted science among the community.

In conclusion, The President expressed the requirement to extend the culture of science and innovation along to the proletariat of our society.



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