Professional Profiler Uliana Karagezian will know exactly what's going on in your mind

Uliana Karagezian is an accomplished professional profiler specializing in assisting agencies in solving economic scams. Utilizing her expertise in interpreting gestures, and facial expressions, and employing strategic questioning, she possesses the unique ability to discern the truthfulness of suspects. In an interview with Uliana, we delved into her journey of discovering this extraordinary skill and the challenges she encounters in her line of work.

Uliana's fascination with psychology was ignited at a tender age, following a car accident she experienced when she was only six years old. Reflecting on the incident, she shares, "Although the accident had no adverse effects on my cognitive development, it somehow shaped my inner world. It made me realize the importance of understanding both myself and those around me."

During her early years in school, Uliana faced significant hurdles due to her extended absence caused by the accident. Additionally, her physical scars posed challenges in connecting with her peers. "Interacting with my classmates became quite arduous," the psychologist explains. "To overcome these obstacles, I sought to enhance my communication skills by employing certain techniques and observing nonverbal cues, such as open and closed postures, to convey my intentions."

Even in her childhood, Uliana immersed herself in psychological literature, yearning to comprehend the core of human nature and behavior. By the time she reached the 11th grade, she had thoroughly absorbed the entire curriculum of general psychology. "My classmates began gravitating towards me, and I realized the power of effective communication," Uliana confesses. "Establishing rapport with friends and teachers became effortless. I had grasped the techniques and knew how to apply them appropriately."

Uliana's aptitude for connecting with others propelled her towards a career path that harmonized with her abilities. After completing high school, she pursued a formal education in clinical psychology.

"My work involves collaborating with agencies and large corporations," Uliana explains. "I am often summoned to assist in polygraph examinations." She adds, "Business owners also seek my services. Occasionally, I uncover criminal networks within organizations, but it is equally crucial to ensure a smooth and respectful transition during dismissals. This aspect is also an integral part of my profession."

Uliana's journey from her early accident to becoming a respected profiler is a testament to her determination, intellectual curiosity, and the invaluable skill set she has cultivated over the years. Her ability to decipher people's true thoughts through nonverbal cues and her dedication to bringing clarity to complex situations make her an indispensable asset in the realm of crime-solving and organizational integrity.

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