Protestors invited Modi in Shaheen Bagh, protest may be over soon!

New Delhi: Shaheen Bagh protesters today invited Prime Minister Narendra Modi to meet and talk. Protesters wrote this on heart-shaped posters and requested Modi. Poster  reads, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi come to Shaheen Bagh, accept your gift and talk to us." The Twitter handle of Shaheen Bagh has also been asked to meet the Prime Minister. The protesters have also announced a love song and a surprise gift for the Prime Minister.

People have been sitting on a sit-in protest since December 15 in Shaheen Bagh against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). A large number of women and children are also involved in these. Before the Delhi Assembly elections, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had talked to discuss with the protesters.

Syed Taseer Ahmed, who is demonstrating at Shaheen Bagh, said, "Either Prime Minister Modi or Home Minister Amit Shah can come to talk to us if they explain to us that what is happening is that of the Constitution. If not against, we will end our performance. On this, the government claims that no citizenship from the CAA will be taken away. But nobody is telling how it is helpful for the country. How will this help in dealing with unemployment, poverty and economic recession? ”The protesters have raised this question. On this, he has invited both the Prime Minister or the Home Minister.

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