Protests Ease on US Campuses Following Biden's Call for Order

Recent pro-Palestinian protests across US campuses have shown signs of calming down after law enforcement crackdowns and a strong stance from President Biden to restore peace.

In Manhattan, police dismantled a protest encampment at New York University, capturing the moment on social media as demonstrators complied with orders to disperse.

Compared to other campuses nationwide and globally, where tensions escalated over Israel's conflict with Hamas, the scene was relatively peaceful.

University officials, grappling with the balance between the right to protest and concerns over violence, increasingly sought police intervention to ensure smooth proceedings for upcoming exams and graduations.

At the University of Chicago, talks between administrators and protesters failed, prompting the university to consider intervening in ongoing demonstrations.

Meanwhile, clashes erupted between American flag-bearing counter-protesters and pro-Palestinian groups at the same university, with police stepping in to prevent escalation.

Over 2,000 arrests have been made in the past fortnight, with some incidents involving accusations of excessive force by law enforcement.

President Biden, addressing the protests for the first time, emphasized the importance of maintaining order while respecting dissent, distinguishing the US as a civil society.

His remarks followed a police operation at the University of California, Los Angeles, where tensions escalated between demonstrators and counter-protesters.

On the West Coast, a compromise between protesters and administrators at the University of California, Riverside, led to the disbanding of an encampment, mirroring similar resolutions at other universities.

Internationally, Republicans criticized Biden for perceived leniency towards anti-Semitic sentiments among protesters, contrasting with internal party opposition to his strong support for Israel.

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona pledged to investigate reports of anti-Semitism vigorously, echoing Biden's condemnation.

Student demonstrations also emerged in countries like Australia, France, Mexico, and Canada, with police intervening in some cases to disperse protesters.

While tensions persist, efforts for dialogue and resolution continue amidst ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, underscoring the complexities of the situation.

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