Putin Pledges Solidarity with Kim Jong Un to Overcome Sanctions

SEOUL, South Korea: Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed gratitude to North Korea for supporting his actions in Ukraine and vowed to collaborate closely with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to combat U.S.-led sanctions. Putin’s statements were published in a North Korean state media op-ed hours before his anticipated arrival in Pyongyang on Tuesday for a two-day summit.

In the op-ed, Putin highlighted the strengthening alliance between Russia and North Korea amid escalating tensions with Washington. This visit marks Putin’s first trip to North Korea in 24 years. He emphasized his appreciation for North Korea’s steadfast support of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and stated that both nations would firmly resist Western efforts to obstruct the creation of a multipolar world order based on mutual respect and justice.

Putin outlined plans to enhance trade and develop payment systems independent of Western control. He condemned the sanctions imposed on both countries as “unilateral and illegal restrictive measures” and pledged joint opposition to these sanctions. North Korea faces severe economic sanctions from the U.N. Security Council due to its nuclear weapons and missile programs, while Russia is under sanctions from the U.S. and its Western allies for its actions in Ukraine.

Putin also announced that Russia and North Korea would boost cooperation in areas such as tourism, culture, and education.

Before heading to North Korea, Putin visited Yakutsk, a city in eastern Russia, where he planned to meet the local governor, Aisen Nikolayev, and receive briefings on regional technology and defense projects.

In Pyongyang, the streets were adorned with portraits of Putin and Russian flags, and a banner welcoming the Russian President hung on a building, reading: “We warmly welcome the President of the Russian Federation.”

As Russian President Vladimir Putin heads to North Korea for a summit with Kim Jong Un, a significant agenda is in place. Earlier reports from Putin's foreign policy adviser, Yuri Ushakov, suggested that the two nations might establish a partnership agreement focused on security and other key issues.

Ushakov clarified that the deal is not aimed at any specific country but is intended to outline future cooperation prospects. This agreement will consider recent developments in international politics, economics, and security between Russia and North Korea.

In an op-ed published in North Korean state media just before his arrival, Putin emphasized the shared goals of Russia and North Korea. He stated that both countries will firmly resist Western efforts to disrupt a multipolar world order based on justice and mutual respect. Putin also highlighted plans to develop independent trade and payment systems, free from Western control, and to jointly oppose what he termed "unilateral and illegal restrictive measures" imposed by the West.

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