Quinoa helps in Diabetes management; Know complete details here

Quinoa is a pseudo-grain that may not be native to India, but its nutrient-rich profile has garnered a massive fan-following in the country. Quinoa is a grain-like seed, which is mostly available in two varieties: red and white. You can cook quinoa the same way as you cook rice and rice-based dishes and have twice as much fibre. Quinoa is enriched with monounsaturated fatty acids, which are essential to support a healthy heart. Quinoa is also a treasure trove of a variety of antioxidants and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamin E, iron and magnesium. It is also a complete source of protein, which means it has all essential amino acids, making the pseudo grain an excellent plant-based source of protein for vegetarians. According to experts, quinoa is also a good addition to a diabetes diet. Here's what makes it so effective in managing blood sugar levels.

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Quinoa For Diabetes

Quinoa is packed with high quality fibres. Fibres take time to digest, which ensures you are full for long. Since fibres take so long to break down, it ensures slow-release of sugars in blood stream, which in turn helps manage blood sugar spikes.

How To Have Quinoa For Diabetes Management

Rice, especially white rice, is high on carbs and is known to surge blood sugar levels. You can cook quinoa as a healthy and yummy alternative. You can also boil or steam quinoa and include it in salads, smoothies, and cereals.

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