Quotes by Priyanka Chopra enough to admire you !

1. "It's not fair for people to judge and decide the good, bad and ugly, and say, 'Oh, she looks nice with him; oh she shouldn't have done   that'. I don't come into your bedroom and ask you what you did last night." 

2. "You always want to strive to be your best, but your career doesn't depend on other people. It depends on your choices."

3. "It's important to remain within convention and yet tear at its seams." 

4. “I’m destiny’s favorite child, other than Beyoncé.” 

5. "Nobody’s supposed to be anything. You can be whoever you want. And I want young people to see that.”

6. “People think that once you achieve success it’s great and you party, but it’s not. You’re known by your last failure. So you        have to move  from that to your next success. Success is a journey, you have to be consistently successful to be called successful.” 

7. "We are such a small part of the universe and yet we like to play god. Also, we are constantly harping about I, me and myself. That’s so sad. We need to really go out there and do our bit." 

8. "God is both inside and outside. He is inside us from where we derive our energy from Him. He is what I identify as my conscience that guides my action. He is outside us when we’re going through a crisis and He paves the path for us to follow." 

9. “I am exercising my feminist right to be in that beauty pageant. Men are going to objectify women. But feminism is just saying: give me the independence and the ability to make my own choices.” 

10. "I didn't want to do a show that would stereotype me or put Indian people into a box. I'm a leading actress in India and I wanted to make  sure I was a leading actress in whatever I did.”



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