Rahul Gandhi condemns BJP for 'using anger to divide country'


New Delhi: Rahul Gandhi addressed the ongoing Indian National Congress 84th three-day plenary session of the Congress party First time since taking charges as the party president.

 He welcomed all delegates to the Congress Plenary and said: “Over the next two days I look forward to interacting with you and to sharing experiences and perspectives that will together help us build a stronger, more vibrant Congress party”.

Congress president Rahul Gandhi attacked the BJP in his first address to the party plenary today, saying the saffron party "uses anger" to divide the country.

He also said the BJP's "emphasis on divisive politics" has led its focus away from major issues like unemployment and farmers' suffering and added that the Congress is the only party that can take the country forward, bringing along with it each and every citizen in spite of caste or creed.

"The country is tired, it’s looking for a way, I say from my heart that only the Congress can show India the way. The difference between the Congress and the Opposition (BJP), the big difference, is they use anger, we use love and regard for our fellow humans," said Rahul in the ongoing Indian National Congress 84th three-day plenary session of the Congress party.

Besides Rahul, UPA chairperson and former party chief Sonia Gandhi is also to address the ongoing plenary session which is being held in the national capital. 

The three-day plenary session of Congress began at the Constitution Club in New Delhi on Friday.

The major focus of the assembly is to prepare for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections in which Congress chief ministers, state Congress presidents and Congress legislature party leaders from all states were present including Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

During the session, the party members will discuss and adopted two resolutions, one political and the other on jobs and poverty alleviation.

The Congress Working Committee members will pick all major issues and strategy ahead of 2019 Lok Sabha elections by the party president on the concluding day of the meet.




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