Rahul Gandhi again targets Central government over farmers' protest

New Delhi: Farmers' protest on-demand to withdraw new agricultural laws brought by the Centre's Modi government continues for the 48th day. Former Congress national president Rahul Gandhi is constantly targeting the Modi government over the farmers' protest. This time, he made a tweet and accused the government of engaging the farmers in the things around.

In a tweet from his official Twitter handle on Tuesday, Rahul Gandhi wrote, "Every attempt to engage the Satyagrahi farmers of the government in the things around is useless. The farmers understand the government's intentions; Their demand is clear- just take back the anti-agricultural law, ' The Congress, after the Supreme Court's disappointment over the ongoing talks on agricultural laws, said on Monday that the three laws need to be withdrawn.

Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala wrote in a tweet, "The Supreme Court decides political issues, not a conspiracy to sell political dishonesty to the doorsteps of capitalists. "The question is to eliminate MSP and cereals in anti-agricultural laws, to enslave the farmer in his own field," Surjewala said. So, the law has to be cancelled. '


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