India is behind Pakistan in the corona test case, Rahul Gandhi raises questions

New Delhi: Corona infection has spread rapidly in the country. The number of people who lost their lives due to corona infection in the country increased to 339 on Tuesday, while the total number of people infected is 10,363. Meanwhile, questions have been raised about the reduction of Coronavirus investigation in the country continuously. Opposition Congress has also questioned the lack of corona virus test. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said on Tuesday through tweet that in India only 147 tests are being done on 10 lakh people.

So far 2.31 lakh corona trials have been conducted in India. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) senior scientist Raman R Gangakhedkar informed Mangavalar that two lakh 31 thousand tests have been done so far to confirm the infection of coronavirus. On the question of the corona test quick test kit being sourced from China, he said that the first batch of test kit is expected to arrive from China on April 15. He said that 37 lakh rapid test kits can be delivered in India any day.

India ranks 22nd in the number of coronavirus cases worldwide. Where thousands of tests are being done per million people in other countries around the world, this number in India is just 147. At the same time, in Pakistan's neighboring country, Kovid-19 test is being done for 317 people out of one million people.

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