Major accident averted, train full of passengers saved from accident

A major accident has been avoided in the Railway Division on Tuesday. A stone weighing about 100 kg came in front of the Naini Doon Express loaded with more than 1100 passengers, which was running at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. Due to this, the wheel of the engine was lifted and the vehicle was dragged for 100 meters. The driver wisely stopped the train somehow. Reports say that the incident took place late on Tuesday night at 7:30 pm. When Naini Doon Express (12091), running between Dehradun and Kathgodam, moved ahead from Seohara, a big stone kept on the track came under the wheels. As the speed of the train increased, a loud 'kat-kat' sound came and the bogies started shaking. The passengers in the train got scared. 

The driver immediately slowed down the speed of the train and then stopped it by applying brakes. When I got down I saw that there was a big stone between the tracks and the wheels. The driver immediately informed the control. The team of mechanical department reached Mewanwada and broke the stone into pieces with tools. After which with difficulty the stone stuck between the wheels was removed. After this the train was moved forward.

The train stood at Kanth for 36 minutes: The driver moved the train forward from Mewanwada so that other trains could not be affected. After which the incident was recorded and recorded. Statements of the train driver, assistant driver, guard and passengers have been recorded. Meanwhile the train stood at Kanth for 36 minutes. The development was circulated in the WhatsApp group of railway officials. After getting information about the whole matter, the railway administration has immediately started an investigation into this matter.

Where did such a big stone come from on the tracks:  Reports say that according to eyewitnesses, the weight of the stone was more than 100 kg. The question of where such a huge stone came from on the track is troubling the railway officials. RPF does not patrol the area where the incident took place, but railway trackmen do patrol there. The officials of the engineering department are still being interrogated. Officials say that there is no movement of common people at the place where the incident took place. How the big stone came on the track is being investigated. If reports are to be believed, the accident was avoided due to the wisdom of the driver. Train operations were also not affected. We will get to the bottom of the matter as to how such a big stone came on the track. Railway staff had also patrolled there. Action has been initiated into this incident.

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