Rajasthan: Chief Minister Gehlot under self-isolation as wife tests COVID-19 positive

New Delhi: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot notified that his wife has tested positive for coronavirus and hence he is under home isolation.

Taking to Twitter  handle Gehlot wrote  in Hindi which reads: "My wife Sunita Gehlot is COVID-19 positive (asymptomatic). She is being treated under home isolation protocol, and a precautionary measure I am under home isolation, I will hold a COVID review meeting with doctors and officials at 8.30 pm, as before."

Meanwhile, Rajasthan reported a record 16,613 positive cases in a single day and 120 COVID-19 deaths on Wednesday, taking the overall caseload to 5,63,577 infections and 3,926 fatalities, according to official data. The number of active cases also rose to 1,63,372, the report showed.

The number of active cases also climbed to 1,63,372, the report indicated. Deaths were reported from Jodhpur (33), Jaipur (32), Udaipur (11), Bikaner (7), Alwar (5), Kota (4), Sikar, Bharatpur and Ajmer (3 each), Dungapur, Bhilwara and Sawai Modhopur (2 each), besides other districts.

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