The Rajya Sabha will hold a special discussion on the Constitution of India starting from today, December 16-17 marking the 75th anniversary of its adoption. This comes after a fiery debate on the same topic in the Lok Sabha last week. The discussion in the Upper House will focus on "the glorious journey of the 75 years of the Constitution of India." Before the debate begins, an obituary reference will be made to honor the late ex-Member Shreegopal Vyas. Additionally, eight ministers will lay papers on the table, and several Standing Committees will present their reports. The Rajya Sabha debate comes amid rising tensions surrounding a no-confidence motion filed by the Congress-led opposition against Vice President and House Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar. Last week, the Upper House witnessed disruption and adjournments over the motion, which accuses Dhankhar of biased behavior. The Rajya Sabha discussion follows a two-day session in the Lok Sabha. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh initiated the debate, focusing on the historical significance of the Constitution and its role in shaping India's governance and global reputation. During the Lok Sabha debate, Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, in her maiden speech, accused the BJP of attempting to change the Constitution if not for the upcoming 2024 elections. Meanwhile, Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi made references to Veer Savarkar, which were contested by BJP members. A pivotal moment in the Lok Sabha debate starts with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech. He said that the Constitutional amendments made by his government were not meant to consolidate power, unlike what he claimed happened during the Congress-led era. Modi also highlighted the history of constitutional amendments under the Nehru-Gandhi family, starting with the first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Furthermore, PM Modi proposed 11 resolutions for India’s future, inspired by the Constitution's spirit, emphasizing a forward-looking vision for the nation. Notably, last Friday, Union Minister Rajnath Singh started a historic debate on the Constitution to mark its 75th year of adoption. This took place amid ongoing political tension between the government and the Opposition, which has caused frequent disruptions in Parliament and led to calls from the INDIA bloc for the removal of the vice-president.