Randeep Guleria expresses his opinion on Remdesivir and RT-PCR Test

New Delhi: On the shortage of oxygen amid the ongoing corona crisis in the country, AIIMS Director Dr. Randeep Guleria said that the work has been going on to increase its production for the last 8-9 months. But work has to be done on its distribution, where demand increases, oxygen cylinders have to be delivered immediately.

Talking about the ongoing corona vaccination drive in the country, Dr. Randeep Guleria said that the production of vaccines in the country is increasing rapidly, new vaccines are also coming into the country. At present, there is a need to work on the distribution of the vaccine, the supply chain has to be maintained by everyone so that the vaccine can reach the place where there is demand immediately.  On the uproar over Remdesevir, Dr. Randeep Guleria said that the medicine should be used only on the advice of a doctor, it is not a magic bullet. Only those who have a very serious illness should give it. But now the panic has spread, people are thinking that everyone needs it. If it is not needed, giving it can also cause harm.

Dr. Randeep Guleria explained that RT-PCR tests can show only up to 80 percent of the correct results, including 20 percent who report negatively. At the same time, the swab-taking technique also needs to be addressed. If you are showing covid-like symptoms, you should assume that you have a corona and act accordingly.

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