Corona continues to wreak havoc in Ratlam, 8 new cases found

Corona continues to wreak havoc in many districts of Madhya Pradesh. Ratlam district, which was safe for 2 weeks after the lockdown, is now suffering from corona infection, so far 8 positive patients have been found here. After the death of a corona-infected person in Indore, the body of the deceased's son, who was involved in burial, was also found corona infected while bringing the body to Ratlam. On Tuesday, reports of 6 other people have also come positive. It includes one patient each from Bohra Bakhal, Jawahar Nagar Housing Board Colony area. There is also a young woman among them. The Lohar Road and Mochipura area contentment area has been declared in the city. According to the new report, some other areas can also be sealed.

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3 of the people found infected are residents of Nagda in Ujjain district, who had arrived in the village Nandleta of the district a few days ago. All three belong to the infected locality in Nagda. Information about their arrival in Ratlam was also given to the SP through the media, then the whole family was quarantined and samples were taken.

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The havoc of corona in Ratlam is gradually increasing. After the death of a person resident of Lohar Road in Indore, his body was buried on 4 April bringing Ratlam and more than 20 people attended the funeral and Corona's first positive report also came after that. Investigation is going on Similarly, in Nandletta village of Piploda police station area, the whole family had come from the infected area of Nagda. The administration did not get any information about this.

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