Raut targets Centre: 'Achhe din', Rs15-La in bank accounts all 'April fool' jokes

New Delhi: Sanjay Raut, a Shiv Sena politician, lashed out at the Centre on Friday for rising fuel costs and other issues, saying the promises of "achhe din" (happy days) and putting Rs 15 lakh into people's bank accounts were nothing but 'April Fools' Day' jokes. He said that the government has been deceiving the public for the past seven years and that it should now work for their welfare because it is a "life and death" scenario for the average citizen.

April Fools' Day is observed on April 1st, when individuals play practical jokes on one another.

"The promises of 'achhe din,' putting Rs 15 lakh into individuals' bank accounts, merging Pakistan-occupied Kashmir into India, and creating employment are nothing but April fool pranks," Raut told reporters here. The administration should cease lying and focus on the people's well-being. For the average person, it's a question of life and death, he said.

The BJP promised to bring back black money and deposit Rs15 lakh in every citizen's bank account before taking office in 2014. At the time, the saffron party's promise of 'achhe din' was a major campaign issue. "Saying we don't engage in vengeance politics is part of the April fool series that has been going on in the country for the last few years," he said, referring to the BJP. Petrol and diesel prices were recently boosted following the outcomes of Assembly elections in five states, according to Raut, who added that rulers usually make a fool of the average guy. "For the past seven years, people have been duped," he remarked.

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