Pandit Ravi Shankar did his first show at age of 10

Ravi Shankar was born on this day. He was the biggest announcer of the excellence of Indian classical music in the world. He was born on 7 April 1920, while he died on 11 December 2012. He gained fame as a sitar player. He was considered one of the greatest musicians of this century and Ravi Shankar gained much fame abroad. Pandit Ravi Shankar's early life was spent on the Punit Ghats of Kashi and his childhood was very pleasant. His father is said to have been a distinguished barrister and was employed in a high position in the royal family. When Ravi Shankar was only ten years old, his love for music started and in childhood he entered the art world as a dancer.

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During that time he performed many dance programs with his elder brother Uday Shankar. He lived in Benares and had no direct connection with music. His other brothers were completely interested in music, during that someone played the flute and some sitar. It is said that his elder brother Pandit Uday Shankar used to dance and he took him to Paris. After that, Ravi Shankar become fond of music. At first he started learning dance, but after that his interest in music started growing. He made famous composer and guru Ustad Alauddin Khan his mentor and since then his musical journey started.

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He was associated with tabla maestro Ustad Alla Rakha Khan, Kishan Maharaj and Sarod maestro Ustad Ali Akbar Khan for a long time and at the age of 18, he quit dancing and started learning sitar. His first program took place at the age of 10 and in 1939 Pandit Ravi Shankar gave the first program in India. He also composed music for ballet and films in India, Canada, Europe and America. Pandit Ravi Shankar died at the age of 92 years.

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