Recruitment for these positions in C-DAC Pune, Apply Soon

C-DAC Pune has sought applications from experienced candidates on scientific posts. If you have passed B.Tech and you are looking for a government job, then you can apply for these posts before the last date. The youth have a golden opportunity to get a government job and fulfill their dream.

Important dates and information

Name of the post- Scientist

Total Posts - 1

Last Date - 25 -5-2020

Location- Pune

C-DAC - Maharashtra Government Post Recruitment Details 2020

Age limit- Maximum age of candidates will be 57 years.

Salary: The candidates who will be selected for these posts will be paid according to the rules of the department.

Eligibility: - Candidates should have passed B.Tech in any subject related to any recognized institute and have experience.

Selection Process: The candidate will be selected on the basis of interview.

How to apply: Eligible and interested candidates apply on the prescribed format of the application form, along with education and other qualifications, date of birth and other necessary information and documents, along with self-restrictive copies and send it before the due date.

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