Reduce Thigh Fat effectively by simply following these tips

There's no denying the fact that hips and thighs can be problem areas for women. After all, those are the spots that seem to suffer maximun fat deposition. Therefore, while you should not obsess about achieving a 'thigh gap',  you could make every effort to reduce excess fat in your hips and thighs. But, first, you need to chalk out an overall weight loss strategy how to reduce thigh fat effectively that combines diet and exercise.

Can Brisk Walking And Running Help You? Brisk walking is always recommended by fitness experts for its myriad benefits. You do not need high-tech equipment for this, just put on a pair of good trainers. Several studies from around the globe show how brisk walking can make you fitter and healthier. Take a study by researchers from the University of Virginia, which showed that women who did three shorter, fast-paced walks a week (plus two longer, moderate-paced ones) lost five times more belly fat than those who simply strolled at a moderate speed five days a week.

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Brisk walking can also improve your metabolic rate. To elaborate on this point, walking faster can trick your body into tapping into the fat reserves for energy. In the process, you build muscles and raise your basal metabolic rate which in turn facilitates burning of more and more calories throughout the day even when you aren’t exercising. Brisk walking is also considered a good cardio exercise. According to The Stroke Association, a brisk 30-minute walk daily helps in controlling high blood pressure and in reducing the chances of stroke by 27 per cent.

Can Squats Help In Reducing Thigh Fat? You can call squats a girl's best friend! Among other things, squats can ensure slimmer thighs, sexy legs and toned butt. Experts say that if you want to reduce thigh fat, squats should be an inseparable part of your fitness routine. This is primarily because squats are a compound exercise and therefore they are better equipped to work all the muscles in your thighs; the upper portion of our legs comprises quadriceps, hamstrings, hip adductors (skeletal muscles found in the thigh) and abductors ( basically, muscles whose contraction moves a limb) and squats can help make them work extra thereby making our thighs look toned and slimmer. Broadly speaking, squats will make you burn a stupendous amount of calories - needless to say, the more calories you burn, the more fat you lose. What's more, squats can help you get rid of unwanted and ugly cellulite. By creating some pressure on the internal organs of the lower body, squats improve digestion and ensures smoother bowel movements. Squats are also a great way of strengthening core muscles since they engage your abs and back muscles.

Can Lunges Make Your Thighs Slimmer? Just like squats, lunges are also a compound exercise that can be done anywhere. If you do them right, lunges can be very effective in reducing thigh fat. Before you go lunging, consult a fitness trainer who can guide you. You must be careful - do not strain your muscles or joints.

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