Religions impose their dogmas: Louis Jacolliot

1. Religions impose their dogmas, bend conscience under their laws, deny freedom of discussion and of judgment to their clients, and, in the name of God, proscribe all thought which they do not control, all liberty except the liberty to bow down and believe.

- Louis Jacolliot

2. Religion and its practices have consistently been one of women's fiercest enemies... The fact that many women do not realize this shows how thorough the brainwashing and intimidation have been.

- Arnold Toynbee

3. To religious despotism, imposing speculative delusions, and class-legislation, may be attributed the decay of nations.

- Louis Jacolliot

4. In religion, they become "holier than thou" types filled with terrible hatreds which in turn cause guilt complexes that drive them deeper into their religious frame of reference. The outlet for their scrambled emotions is to try to foist their beliefs - and their fears - onto the rest of us.

- John Keel

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