Remembering KK, the daughter became emotional...

The sudden demise of bollywood's famous singer Krishna Kumar Kunnath aka KK has not only created an atmosphere of mourning in the music industry, but has also left all those close to him alone. His departure for KK's family is being said to be no less than a big tragedy. On June 19, the lack of father KK cost his children the most. On this day, people all over the world celebrated Father's Day. In such a situation, KK's daughter Tamara remembered him on Father's Day.

Daughter Tamara wrote an emotional message: Let us know that KK's daughter Tamara is also a singer and composer. She has shared many old photos of her childhood with KK from her Instagram. Along with which he has also written a very emotional post, one of whose words is going to make anyone emotional. In the photos, KK can be seen carrying his son Nakul and daughter Tamara on the back. In another photo, little Tamara is seen sitting on her father's lap. Apart from this,  he has also shared photos of his mother and father together.

Tamara remembered her father KK and wrote, "I will bear the pain of losing you 100 times, if I find you even for a second as my father." Life without you is filled with darkness, dad. You were the cutest and sweetest father in the world, who would come home from concerts and hug us. I miss you. I miss eating with you. I miss our laughing sessions. I miss our secretly snack in the kitchen. I remember showing you the ideas of my music and voice note. I miss your reaction. I miss holding your hand. '


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