Remove the darkness of thighs with orange juice

Most girls love to wear small clothes in the summer season. In summer, such clothes relieve the heat. But most girls do not want to wear such clothes. Because of this, they get their thighs dark. So today we are going to tell you some of the steps to remove the darkness of thighs.

1- To remove the blackness of thigh, add turmeric in some orange juice and apply it. When it gets dry, clean it with lukewarm water. Orange juice contains plenty of vitamin C and the ingredients found in turmeric are helpful in reducing the blackness of the skin.

2- Papaya helps in removing blackness by cleansing the skin from inside. Grind papaya and make a paste. Now apply this paste on the thigh and let it dry. Now rub the thing with the soft brush.

3- By the use of lemon, the darkness of thigh can be removed. For this, add some water to lemon juice and apply it on skin then leave the skin for 5 minutes. After that, clean it with water.

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