Researchers Discover Abnormal Dinosaur Egg in MP

DHAR: A team of researchers from the University of Delhi discovered a unique set of fossilised dinosaur eggs at the Dinosaur Fossil National Park in Madhya Pradesh's Dhar District, with one nesting within the other. 

While eggs-within-eggs are a rare occurrence, they have only ever been reported in birds and never in reptiles. New linkages between reptilian and avian evolution have been discovered as a result of this research.

The findings, which were published in the journal Scientific Reports, detail a "egg-in-egg" occurrence in a titanosaurid dinosaur egg discovered in Madhya Pradesh's Dhar district's Bagh district. Sauropod dinosaurs were among the largest terrestrial animals that ever lived, and they were prevalent in what is now India millions of years ago. In Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Meghalaya, fossils of these animals have been unearthed.

Scientists, some of whom were part of the team presenting the current discovery, reported 52 titanosaurid sauropod nests near Padlya village near Bagh town in Madhya Pradesh, which has long been noted for its dinosaur fossils (both skeleton and egg remains). There were ten eggs in one of these nests, one of which was the "abnormal" egg.

Dinosaurs were supposed to have a reproductive system similar to that of turtles and other reptiles (unsegmented oviduct), as opposed to crocodiles and birds, which had segmented reproductive systems with discrete membrane and shell deposition regions.

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