'Respect for cows more than Muslims in UP...', : Owaisi

Lucknow: AIMIM Chief Asaduddin Owaisi is holding a series of rallies in Uttar Pradesh over next year's proposed assembly elections. He said on Sunday that the Yogi government is not concerned about the people of the state. On Sunday, November 28, Owaisi attacked the government in Balrampur district saying that muslims in UP have less respect than cows.

He has said that 'The cow has a lot of respect in UP, but not the Muslims. Here the cow is respected more than humans. Describing the BJP as a factory of lies, Owaisi said that, 'BJP presents lies in such a way that people start believing that lie to be true'. He said about China that 'China is sitting on the soil of India, but these people are not ashamed. Owaisi while addressing the people in Balrampur's conference of Shoshit Vanchit Samaj said, 'BJP has so much love for Jinnah and Pakistan that we are doing sugarcane for farmers and BJP-RSS is doing Jinnah-Jinnah. He said that we had uprooted Jinnah 75 years ago. '

Owaisi further said, "The responsibility of protecting secularism is placed only on Muslims. A snake called secularism is put around the necks of Muslims. This snake stings us, it does not bite them (non-Muslims). We were ruined. For 60 years, the Muslims of India voted for all the parties in the name of secularism, but tell me what you achieved. '

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