Retired army colonel got angry on man. Why? Read inside!

The Bold move of PM Narendra Modi against eradication of Black money has made Indian citizens to stand in front of ATM for long hours.

When people stand in queue, they talk to each other about the trouble they are facing because of demonetisation.

Darshan Dhillon, a retired Lt colonel lashed out at a Modi Bhakt when he compared standing in front of ATM and soldiers standing at the border.

He shared the incident on Facebook and around 7,000 times the post has been shared by other users.

Below is his post

I was standing in long ATM Q and getting irritated on mismanagement on a good issue. The fellow Modi bhakt behind gave me a quick reaction by saying, why are you perturbed think about about Army persons standing 20 hrs in day on border. My curt reply removed his desh bhakti with a jolt when I told him that I did that on border for 20 years and standing here to withdraw my pension on that account. He should show his desh bhakti in getting us actual OROP and CPC from Modi ji rather than issuing certificates in ATM lines. Fauji Baba

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