Ribs Pain During Pregnancy: Causes and treatment to cure

Pregnancy changes your body in ways you have not experienced before. Some changes can pose a threat to the baby while some can be worrisome for a while. One such worrisome issue is rib pain, which materializes during the third trimester. While the pain does not have any side effects, the location of the pain could make you anxious. But there is no reason to worry. Here all about rib pain during pregnancy, its causes, and management.

What Causes Rib Pain During Pregnancy?

Here is why you may experience pain in the ribs when you are pregnant.

The growing baby and uterus: As the baby grows, the uterus expands, taking more room in the womb. It comes to a stage where all the organs are pushed towards the ribs, building pressure in the muscles and making breathing difficult.Those with bigger babies and shorter waists are highly prone to rib fractures during pregnancy.

The baby’s movements and intrauterine position: The position and movement of the baby will put constant pressure on the ribs, creating discomfort and pain in the ribs. The frequency of the movements increases each day, getting harder and stronger . Also, the breech position of the fetus will put additional pressure on the rib cage, causing pain .

Increasing breast size: As the breasts grow, their increasing weight puts more pressure on the rib cage and lower back. This not only alters your posture but also draws your shoulder down, causing pain in the ribs and back .

Urinary tract infections: Rib pain is one of the side effects of UTI. As the urinary infection spreads towards the kidneys, it causes a burning sensation and increases the frequency of urination, causing pain and discomfort in the ribs .

Hormonal changes: The relaxin and progesterone hormones affect all the muscles, ligaments and joints of the pelvic region and spine. It, therefore, leads to a rib cage and back pain .

You could experience rib pain usually in the later stages of pregnancy. Contact your doctor immediately if the following symptoms accompany the pain:




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Rib pain during pregnancy usually disappears after the uterus drops in the last weeks of pregnancy. As you near the due date, the space in the abdomen region increases and the pressure under the ribs reduces.

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Though there is no cure for this pain, you can take a few measures for temporary relief.

Wear loose-fitting clothes: Avoid tight-fitting clothes as they add pressure and aggravate the rib pain. Wear loose clothing that is comfortable and easier to breathe in. Also, get a maternity bra or a nursing bra that can take the pressure off the rib cage.

Lean back: Rib pain worsens when you lean forward. So, try to maintain your posture by leaning backward. This also relieves pressure from the heavy breasts. Stretching back expands the space in the belly and eases the strain on the muscles of the rib cage and lower back.

Use pillows for support: Use pillows to prop yourself up beneath the bump to take off the strain from the rib muscles. It relieves most of the soreness and pressure from the body.

Take short breaks: Do not remain in the same sitting or standing position for too long. Move around, take short walks or indulge in mild exercise.

Get a message: Ask your partner to massage on the sides and rib region to help relieve muscle stress and tension.

Warm water bath: Taking a warm shower will soothe and relax the painful muscles. It provides short-term relief from rib soreness.

Use support aids: There is a wide range of supportive aids such as rib braces, body pillows, maternity belts, lumbar seat pillows and belly bras to support the lower body. They also relieve rib cage pain.

Exercise: Indulge in light exercises such as yoga and swimming.

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