Lalu Yadav's serviceman test corona positive

Ranchi: Corona test report of RJD President and former Union Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav, convicted in four cases of fodder scam undergoing treatment in the pay ward of RIMS, has come negative. However, one of his servants has been found to be Corona positive. However, even now the RJD supremo cannot be said to be out of danger. They will be re-examined after five days.

In fact, Lalu's serviceman, who was found to be corona infected today, was in constant contact with Lalu Yadav. A sample of the former CM was taken on Saturday. However, with Lalu's corona investigation report coming negative, his family and well-wishers have definitely felt the way. Here RIMS has also released the Corona test report of 3 servants of Admit Lalu Yadav in the Paying Ward of RIMS.

Among them, Karona has been found in a serviceman. Currently, he has been admitted to Kovid Hospital. Lalu Prasad Yadav, still in constant contact with Sevadar, is now under the threat of corona infection.

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