Robot patrol dog is being tested at the US border, How it's Performing?

Since the American border is large and very long and monitoring it is critical for the nation's security, the US is testing quadrupedal robot dogs on its southern border to assist US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) stated that it can help CBP employees improve their skills while also boosting their safety downrange.

"The southern border may be an uncomfortable area for man and beast, which is precisely why a machine may excel there," Brenda Long, programme manager for the Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate, said in a statement. "The Automated Ground Surveillance Vehicles, or 'AGSVs,' are the focus of this S&T-led initiative. The AGSV initiative is essentially about robot dogs "Long went on to say. 

The American southwest is a region with rough terrain, extreme temperature fluctuation, and a variety of other non-environmental dangers that can pose a serious threat to border patrol guards. The program's purpose is to use technology to force-multiply CBP presence while lowering human exposure to life-threatening dangers.

The Directorate, like the DHS's research and development arm, has a thorough awareness of CBP's technological needs in the field and is constantly finding solutions to support the difficult CBP mission. To help CBP better distribute resources, S&T is now reinforcing its bipedal human staff with quadruped mechanical reinforcements.

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