Today is Rukmini Ashtami, Know 'Pooja Vidhi'

Rukmini Ashtami festival is celebrated on the eighth day of the month of Pausha, Krishna Paksha, if you believe in the Hindu calendar, and this special day is being celebrated today i.e. December 19. Today Rukmini Ashtami is celebrated and according to religious beliefs, on the same date in Dwapar Yuga, Krishna's wife Devi Rukmini was born. Goddess Rukmini is said to be the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi and on this day worships Goddess Rukmini exclusively with Shri Krishna. By doing this, you get wealth and money and there is no shortage of anything in the house and by doing this, you get the grace of Goddess Lakshmi. So let's know the method of worship.

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Puja method- On the day of Rukmini Ashtami, people desirous of fasting and worshiping should take a bath and take a resolution of the fast and after that install the idol of Lord Shri Krishna and Goddess Rukmini in a clean place. Now after this, install the idol of Shri Krishna, Rukmani and Pradyumna, made of gold, at any outpost, etc. and duly worshiped with the Gandh flowers, the incense lamps, etc. Now after this, put clean water and flower petals in the foot and wash the feet of Shri Krishna and Rukmini from it and anoint Sri Krishna and Rukmini with the conch shell clockwise. Keep in mind that saffron mixed milk should be used for this. After this, apply Tilak with Kumkum.

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Worship with abir, turmeric, perfume, and flowers, etc and offer yellow clothes to Lord Krishna and red clothes to Goddess Rukmini. Light a lamp of pure ghee for cow and perform aarti with camphor. Now after this, offer kheer to Lord Krishna and Goddess Rukmini, but Tulsi Dal must be put in it, because without Tulsi leaves, God does not accept Bhog. With this, worship once again in the evening with this method. Keep in mind that on this day eight Suhasini or suhagan women get their blessings by giving food and Dakshina and if possible, wake up in the night and chant the Krishna mantras and offer food to the Brahmins the next day and complete the fast.

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