A series of missile strikes by Russia hit several cities in Ukraine, triggering a nationwide air alert, officials confirmed. The strikes, which took place overnight, targeted key locations, including the capital city, Kyiv, in what seems to be a significant escalation of the conflict. Reports of explosions emerged from various Ukrainian cities, with Mayor Vitali Klitschko of Kyiv confirming the attacks through a post on Telegram. The strikes weren't limited to Kyiv; at least five other cities, including Kharkiv in the northeast, Lviv in the west, and Odesa in the south, were also struck, according to statements from the respective city mayors and local law enforcement. Authorities in the Kharkiv region reported the impact of S-300 missiles, describing the attacks as an assault on their peaceful city. Similar incidents were documented in Sumy and Konotop, underscoring the widespread nature of the strikes. In Odesa, a high-rise building caught fire after being hit by debris from a downed drone, confirmed Mayor Gennady Trukhanov in a social media post. Prompt action from emergency services prevented the fire from spreading further. Tensions had already escalated after Ukraine's strike on a Russian warship in the occupied Crimean port of Feodosia. Both sides acknowledged the incident, with Ukraine claiming it as a major blow to the Russian navy. President Volodymyr Zelensky took to social media to jest about the incident, humorously noting the vessel's relocation to the "Russian underwater Black Sea fleet." Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu reported the damage to President Vladimir Putin, attributing it to guided aerial missiles. The Russian defence ministry confirmed the damage to its large landing ship, a consequence of the Ukrainian air force's missile attack in the Crimean port. Amidst the intensifying conflict, Zelensky expressed gratitude to the United States for releasing the final allocated package of military aid worth $250 million. He emphasized the significance of continued support from the US, highlighting its pivotal role as Kyiv's primary supporter in the ongoing crisis. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu provided President Vladimir Putin with a detailed report regarding the damage inflicted on their large landing ship. The Defense Ministry of Russia confirmed that guided aerial missiles caused the ship's damage. Ukraine's military claimed responsibility for destroying the Russian naval ship through a missile strike at the Crimean port in the east. Expressing gratitude on Thursday, Zelensky thanked the United States for releasing the final package of authorized weapons for Ukraine. With uncertainty looming over further aid to his country in turmoil, Zelensky cautioned that any shift in the US policy, as Kyiv's primary supporter, could significantly influence the war's trajectory. Russia's Oil Exports Plummet in 2023, Shifting Focus to Asian Markets Moscow Accuses Kyiv of Plotting Chemical Weapons Provocation EAM Jaishankar Set to Meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Today