Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times at his residence in Satguru Sharan building by an intruder around 2:30 am on Thursday. As per the initial investigations, the incident is being described as a burglary attempt. Some reports are doing rounds claiming that there is an involvement of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang behind the stabbing at the 52 year- old actor. However, as of now the Mumbai Police has denied all such reports. According to the Mumbai Police, the incident at Khan’s residence was an attempt of burglary. The accused has already been identified through the CCTV footage, who sneaked inside for burglary, but it all went completely wrong. The 10 investigative teams assigned for the case are further probing into the matter, along with the encounter specialist, Daya Nayak. The assailant didn’t directly break into the 12th floor of the Satguru Sharan building, where the actor resides. But he entered the premises in the early hours on Thursday and fled through the staircase after the attack as captured in the CCTV on the sixth floor. The domestic help at Saif Ali Khan’s residence was the first to see the attacker and alerted the others. During the confrontation, she also sustained a minor knife injury. She visited the police station to register the FIR for attempted murder and trespassing. Saif Ali Khan’s team in its statement to the media stated the incident as a “burglary attempt”. And the police have also clarified same. Therefore, it cannot be claimed that Lawrence Bishnoi is behind the stabbing. Police has denied all such claims, calling it all baseless. The incident is linked with Lawrence Bishnoi following the death of Baba Siddiqui and the firing at Salman Khan’s house at Galaxy Apartments. Notably, Saif Ali Khan was involved in the 1998 Black Buck poaching case along with Salman Khan. Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan’s condition is now stable. He underwent surgery at the Lilavati Hospital after multiple stab wounds in his spine. The emergency procedure was performed as soon as the actor was rushed to the hospital after the incident. It has been confirmed by the hospital that a 2.5-inch piece of the knife is removed from the spine during the surgery. The actor suffered from two severe injuries, two intermediate injuries along with two abrasions. The team could successfully complete neurosurgery and plastic surgery. The actor was shifted to the ICU following the surgery and is recovering. By today morning, he will be moved to the ward and might be discharged within two days. As the investigation progresses further, things will clear up. Because, it is still not answered that how did the intruder get into Khan’s residence in the first place. And how he was successful in doing it all, and escaping away. As of now, it is only described as a plot for theft.