This Famous Actress Shares Exclusive Photo Of Daughter and said this Important thing For Fathers!

For the second time, Bollywood actor Samira Reddy shared a photo with her daughter on World Breastfeeding Week, the International Breastfeeding Week, and has also provided a special message to new parents, especially fathers, and she has given the message. She has asked all the men to accompany their wife.

Samira Reddy Named Her Daughter, Shared Post!

"New Dads (fathers) and cute people, this is World Breastfeeding Week and this post is to tell you that you are the greatest supporter and encouragement of your child's mother," Actress wrote in her post.

"A mother can be depressed, loss of confidence, be anxious or stressed and can affect breastfeeding. These points do not directly affect milk production inside the mother, but there may be changes in her reaction to the child. The result would be that the baby would be able to get less milk and there could be problems with milk production. So you stay with their (wife)'"

11 Days Later Samira Reddy Shares Photo With Daughter, Explains How Hard It Is To Feed a Baby

The actress has also shared some of the reasons for low milk production for women. It also states that giving shame or pressure to women who are suffering from this problem cannot improve breastfeeding and we need to support all women and they should also receive love and respect.

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