Say No to Diet cokes while traveling On Air: find out why!

Now a day’s everyone become more conscious about fitness. That’s why drinks which have zero sugar and diet drinks become more popular. I think Diet Coke is the most much-loved drinks.  But let me tell you that according to a flight attendant, the worst beverage you can ask for in the flight is Diet Coke because it takes a long time to pour it out due to air pressure! Going by the logic, it would take flight attendants almost the same duration of time to serve an entire row that it would take in serving just one Diet Coke.

As per a recent report, a crew member disclosed the ‘enemy’ on a blog which reads ‘These Gold Wings’. The words read, “As you may know, the aircraft cabin is not pressurized to sea level, but rather to the equivalent of about seven or eight thousand feet.” She further revealed, “This means some passengers might feel a little light-headed or that alcohol affects them almost twice as much as it would on the ground. It also means soft drinks foam up a lot more when poured out of a can. The worst culprit for this is Diet Coke.” The hostess reportedly revealed that she has to hold the same for some time to let the bubbles subside before she could go ahead with pouring it into a glass.

And what if all the three passengers in a row ask for Diet Coke? The crew persons say that she tackles this situation by “often getting them started”, taking another three drink orders, serving those and then winding up with the Diet Cokes. 

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